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Lecture to lend enterprises a hand in tax risk management

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Suzhou Industrial Park Co Ltd (also known as Chinese Consortium) offered a lecture on Oct 18 in collaboration with several SIP-based enterprises and enterprise associations, in an effort to lend its members and other local enterprises a hand in tax risk management following the merger of the state and local taxation authorities at the provincial level and below which, starting nationwide in June, is dubbed "the biggest reform of China's taxation system". Over 120 enterprise representatives participated.

At the beginning, based on real cases, PWC Tax Services Partner Zhu Huiping gave the participants a talk on changes of the tax authorities' functions and services after the merger and their influence on enterprises' operations, while PWC Tax Services Director Li Chengde expounded on related preferential policies and introduced feasible rick management measures to them. Then they answered the participants' inquiries and exchanged opinions with them.

October 22, 2018