Suzhou Industrial Park

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SIP to Implement "3341" Talent Strategy

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A working conference on talent-related soft environment of Suzhou Industrial Park was convened on the morning of April 11, heralding the implementation of the so-called "3341" human resource strategy on the basis of China-Singapore international cooperation, with all the objectives to be achieved by the year 2025.

By "3341" strategy, SIP sets the general goal to realize, through 5 to 10 years' efforts, "3 upliftings" (of openness, degree of clustering, level of satisfaction), "3 innovations" (in talent-related policy mechanism, market allotment mechanism, and social and cultural systems), "4 projects" (of high-level innovative technological talents, advanced manufacturing industrial talents, modern service talents, and social work talents), and "1 brand" (an international brand of Suzhou talent ecology) so that SIP will become one of the most competitive industrial parks in the world.

April 12, 2015