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12-year-olds publish books

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Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Suzhou, an SIP-based school especially designed for children of overseas returnees in the Yangtze River Delta region, recently hosted a book launch where the school's sixth graders showcased 27 books they published lately.

"Students in each of three classes in the sixth grade were divided into three groups, and each group published three books compiled from the students' assignments last semester, including poems, proses, fables and novels," the students' Chinese language teacher He Ji said.

"The students compiled and designed the books by themselves. They also negotiated with the printing house, priced the books and made promotion plans," He added.

At the event, the 12-year-old students enthusiastically introduced their books to their schoolmates and teachers, many of who bought one or more of the books on site.

Gusu Evening News,
February 26, 2019