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Tech development project passes expert evaluation

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A project focusing on development and application of interactive multimedia technologies passed expert evaluation at NUS (Suzhou) Research Institute (NUSRI) on Dec 14, demonstrating the good effect of joint efforts by academic, research and business organizations in developing new technologies.

It is reported that the project received potent support from National University of Singapore (NUS), NUSRI and Suzhou-headquartered tech company MXR International which are jointly pushing on a cooperative technology development program to help develop and commercialize key augmented reality and cloud computing technologies.

At the event, Zhou Zhiying, researcher at NUSRI Interactive Multimedia Research Center and the project leader, made a report on the project's progress and achievements to the jury panel consisted of seven experts from seven domestically leading universities like Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, etc. After careful review and deliberations, the experts gave high comments to the project.

December 24, 2018