Suzhou Industrial Park

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SIP Calls Finance Work Meeting

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Suzhou Industrial Park Work Meeting on Finance was held on April 1 at Modern Building to review the work of the past year and to analyze the current situation and assign tasks for this year.

2015 is a crucial year for deepening reform in China, and the year to wind up SIP's "12th 5-year plan" and prosperity program on finance, in which the finance sector in SIP maintained good development momentum and remarkable results were achieved in all fields of work. In 2015, the increase value of finance represented 7% of SIP's GDP, the number of financial institutions of various types increased from 666 to 724, and employees in financial sector increased from 23,593 to 26,000. The balances of deposits and loans in banking institutions in statistics increased by 14.9% and 13.3% respectively over those of the year before. The first finance leasing company in Suzhou was approved and started operation in SIP as a precedence of new legal person in finance, and a regional financial highland was being shaped at fast speed.

In 2016, SIP will start up the "13th 5-year plan" and deepen the innovation and expand the functions of finance, and centering on the accelerated comprehensive experimentation in opening up and innovation in the light of the economic new normal and relying on the China-Singapore cooperation platform on finance, SIP is to introduce more innovative measures in financial reform and uplift the pilot role of finance in guiding and serving real economy and social welfare. SIP will closely follow the national campaign of financial innovation, constantly enrich the financial operation modes, push forward the financial service economy in the interest of development and the people's well-being, improve the government's administrative and innovative system, and optimize the financial eco-environment. 

April 2, 2016